Patricia: from her Academia.edu website

1-newToday we welcomed a new, sixth, archaeologist to the Department of History and Archaeology. Dr Patricia Murrieta-Flora joins us from Lancaster University.

At Chester, she has been appointed to a three-year position as a Senior Researcher on the Past in its Place project involving researchers at the Universities of Exeter and Chester.

Paty is a GIS expert and gained her PhD from the University of Southampton and she has worked in applying spatial technologies to the study of prehistoric and early historic landscapes in Iberia and England. Paty has her own wordpress blog here.

Paty will be working on the project’s Strands 2 – Ancient Habitiations – and Strand 3 – Topographies of Memory.

For Strand 2, we are looking at a range of prehistoric and early historic monuments and their immediate localities, exploring their spatial and temporal genealogies through texts and material culture.

For Strand 3, we are looking at archaeologies of memory over the longue duree in some contrasting regions of England and Wales.

The next three years are going to be great to work in collaboration with an expert in computer applications in the archaeological investigation of social memory in past landscapes.

Images from Paty’s work, spatially analysing the places cited in literary texts