Through my research and digital public engagement via my blog and vlogs, I’ve endeavoured to maintain a consistent stance on responsible academic information and challenging misinformation within and beyond the academy. This applies to my work in Viking archaeology as well as other connected fields. Indeed, I’ve recently advocated a subfield of interdisciplinary research called ‘Public Viking Research’ to tackle and critique ‘our Vikings’ of the late 20th/early 21st-century (including academic relationships and responsibilities with contemporary society). See my preliminary statement on this here. Also, I have multiple forthcoming articles addressing this topic as well as innumerable blog-posts and TikTok videos.

My latest public appearance on a podcast speaks to these issues. Inspired by TikTok debates surrounding Viking facepaint, tattoos and locked hair, I was invited to address the challenges we face in tackling digital public arena recently on the Nordic Mythology Podcast with Daniel Ferrand and Professor Mathis Nordvig. For episode 161, we talk about debates and debunking on social media and how to constructively tackle each.

Let me know what you think!